Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as the ‘Vampire Facelift’ uses the body’s own natural healing powers to slow and even reverse the ageing process. It is a natural, safe, and effective treatment for cosmetic and medical purposes. The PRP can be used to rejuvenate your skin, increase your skin hydration levels, firm up your skin’s elasticity, and even provide a more youthful appearance to ageing skin.

The treatment involves harvesting platelets from the patient’s own blood in order to re-introduce them into problem skin areas. Platelets contain a high concentration of ‘growth factors, proteins that help to heal injured tissue and damaged skin.

Upon re-introduction the platelets release their growth factors which trigger surrounding cells to proliferate, stimulating the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself in the targeted area.

A natural way to keep your hair healthy

Natural and effective prevention for thinning hair and delaying hair loss, PRP is a treatment that has been proven to work in clinical trials. PRP Hair therapy Injections are a proven hair loss treatment that can regenerate and promote hair growth for men and women by using your own plasma and growth factors to target areas of hair loss.

Your hair follicles survive on the nutrition they get from the blood supply. PRP injections work by introducing platelets so by administering PRP in the area of damaged hair follicles healthy hair growth will be promoted.

A more youthful appearance

This therapy can increase your skin elasticity and firmness. It can also provide a more youthful appearance to the skin. If you’re not happy with how you look, find out if the treatment is right for you.

Finally, a treatment that’s safe, natural, and effective

Skin conditions treated with PRP:

  • Redness
  • Pigmentation
  • Wrinkles
  • Stimulates Collagen
  • Treatment for thinning hair and delaying hair loss

Prices (per area):

  • First treatment £200
  • The course of 2-3 treatments required for the best effect – £380-550


It is required before your first treatment


60 minutes


almost none


1-2 days

Treatments No.



6 months

Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) FAQ

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) was initially used with wound healing in a number of clinical specialities and surgical procedures, such as soft tissue injuries, early signs of ageing, and hair loss. The PRP treatment uses your own platelets from your blood to stimulate a healing response. The utility of PRP in skin rejuvenation has caused huge interest in aesthetics and skin care, used with the potential ability to promote healing, augment tissue, and promote stem cell growth, and has thus been widely investigated.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy is an effective form of treatment for scars and acne marks. The growth factors found in the platelets regenerate tissues and create new blood vessels, improving the texture and vitality of the skin, making this natural form of treatment very favourable. PRP therapy stimulates skin keratin which leads to new collagen production in place of the scarred skin tissue. PRP regenerates and rejuvenates skin tissue, utilising your own skin cells’ functions. Treatment for acne scarring typically utilises 2-3 treatment sessions, most often spaced approximately one month apart. Expected outcomes include a more even skin texture, increased volume at the site of scarring and a more revitalised skin tone and appearance. Throughout the treatments, you can expect a gradually refreshed look.

During the treatment, your aesthetic practitioner will take some blood from your arm, like in a blood test. Then your blood will be placed into a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. PRP contains many growth factors that promote skin healing and stimulate collagen and elastin growth at the site of the PRP injection. This platelet-rich plasma is then inserted into the deeper layers of the skin on your face.

Before the treatment, your aesthetic practitioner will apply a local anaesthetic cream to help numb your face and reduce any discomfort. Most people say that the procedure is a relatively painless experience, even without any local anaesthetic.

PRP used for aesthetic procedures is safe for most patients. There are very few contraindications with PRP injections. The most common side effects associated with PRP injections are mild to moderate swelling and redness.

There is no downtime associated with PRP injections; however, your skin may be red after your treatment. This is normal and to be expected. Redness usually lasts from one to 24 hours. You may also have minor swelling in some areas. Due to this, some patients like to be treated towards the end of the week, so they have the weekend to recover. Healing time varies from patient to patient. Healing may take longer if PRP injections are paired with microneedling.

During your consultation, an assessment will be carried out to ensure you are a suitable candidate for PRP therapy. Patients with certain health conditions, pregnant and breastfeeding are not a candidate for PRP injections.

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