Let your skin do the talking


Vitamin B12, D and biotin injections at DJ Clinic give you a vitamin boost and help to prevent deficiency. 

If you don’t mind a little pinch, vitamin shots are a great way to boost your body’s natural health. Why would you do this? The short answer is that vitamin injections can improve your body’s natural healing, increase immune response, promote your energy level and overall well-being as well as promote instant psychological results.

Fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical solution to minimise and remove stubborn localised pockets of fat. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise. A specific fat dissolving solution is injected directly into fat deposits to destroy fat cells.

Fat dissolving injections work by breaking down cell membranes to liquefy the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system. The procedure consists of a set of injections (usually two), administered 3-4 weeks apart, whereby the targeted area is injected with a fat-dissolving solution.

Carrying excess weight can have serious health implications, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and cancer, as well as diabetes.

As you may know from experience, short-term quick-fix solutions to weight loss hardly ever deliver lasting results. If you want to lose weight for good, in order to live a long and healthy life, it’s essential to take a realistic and sustainable approach.

At DJ Clinic, our goal is to put you in control of your weight, once and for all. We will assess your risk factors, past medical and social history and current lifestyle, and then provide the help and support you need, on a personal one-to-one basis.

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